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Japanese consumers asked why they haven’t purchased a 3DS

Posted on June 1, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Goo Research recently conducted a survey, asking Japanese consumers about why they haven’t purchased a 3DS. It should be noted that the participants consisted of 1,110 people, of which only 39.5% were male and 60.5% were female. The top 20 results from the survey can be seen below.

1. Price is high/waiting for a price drop
2. Satisfied by DS/DSi
3. Worried about eye strain
4. Worried about getting sick from the screen
5. Few launch titles
6. Will buy once a game I want is released
7. Satisfied by cell phone and smartphone games
8. Satisfied by PSP
9. The battery is weak
10. It’s heavy and I don’t feel like carrying it with me
11. Can’t play Game Boy Advance games
12. The color I want isn’t available
13. Can’t play Game Boy games
14. I’ll save my money for NGP, thank you very much
15. Waiting for a version with a larger screen
16. Because you can’t move your DSi Points over
17. The buttons layout looks hard to use
18. No Famicom/NES in the Virtual Console
19. The zoom view for DS games is hard on the eyes
20. Waiting until my friend buys it


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