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Kart Krashers available for DSiWare on September 27

Posted on September 6, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News

Kart Krashers will be available on September 27 for $4.99/500 points. A trailer can be found above, and more information has been posted below.

Minneapolis, MN, September 5th, 2012 – Kart Krashers from Big John Gameswill release on September 27th, 2012 on the Nintendo DSiWare™ service for 500Nintendo DSi Points™, and in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS™ for $4.99.

Leveraging much of the same engine technology as Big John Games successfulThorium Wars, Kart Krashers is an action-packed single player racing game.However, instead of racing your competitors for the fastest time, the objective isto dive, skid, flip, and crash into as many objects as possible.

With every exciting crash, the driver is awarded points which then can earn themGolden Wheel rankings, the coveted award which is the key to becoming the KartKrashers champion (and consequently, the ruler of the Kart Krashing universe).

There are ten stages of intense action, each filled with hundreds of opportunitiesto crash and rack up the points. Crashing into bonus objects will equip thedriver’s racecar with special abilities. Pick up the magnet during the crash-festand the driver’s car will attract all the nearby objects for optimal crash scoring.Smash into the shield object and the driver’s car becomes invincible and allowsthe player to blast through just about anything. The sweeper object can be pickedup to widen the car’s smash path – an extra-wide swath of crashing destruction!

Each stage is loaded up with enemies to impede the driver’s crash-filledadventure. Aliens, robots, and even zombies will try to ruin the driver’s chancesof earning the Golden Wheels; simply smash through them with the shieldarmed, or blast through them with rocket power to really earn those crash points.

Kart Krashers is rated “E10” and will be available for download from the NintendoDSiWare™ service for 500 Nintendo DSi Points™. Be sure to check out thegame on September 27th, 2012. For more information including the Kart Krashertrailer and screen shots, please visit:


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