Kid Icarus: Uprising to support the Circle Pad Pro
Kid Icarus: Uprising will make use of the Circle Pad Pro. Designer Masahiro Sakurai confirmed the news to ONM.
Players control the game by using the Circle Pad to move Pit when he’s on land while the touch screen is used to move the camera. The Circle Pad Pro will allow gamers to handle touch screen usage with their left hand and move Pit with their right hand. This will certainly be very beneficial for left-handed users.
Sakurai explained:
“The way we are using the Circle Pad Pro in the game is to provide support for left-handed gamers. We’ve made it possible to use the right Circle Pad in place of the left one.”
The Circle Pad Pro won’t be implemented in any other way. In other words, it doesn’t sound like you’ll be able to use the extra analog nub to control the camera – that’ll always be done on the touch screen.
“I didn’t know the specs of the Circle Pad Pro, or what it looked like, until Monster Hunter 3G was announced, so we weren’t able to do anything big with it in the time we had. Even if we had known about it from the start, I don’t know whether we would have used both Circle Pads in that way. This would end up being just the same as controls on other platforms and I think the quick aiming possible with the touch panel suits the game best.”