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Level-5 preparing many announcements for Vision event

Posted on March 18, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

It’s only March, but Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino is already discussing this year’s “Vision” event. Hino told Nikkei Trendy that the company will share roughly 20 title announcements. This number is actually double the amount of reveals from last year’s conference.

Hino teased a number of significant surprises, and even went as far as to say that there will be some announcements that are more surprising than Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney. Fans can also expect to hear news regarding the company’s overseas plans and something comparable to Level-5’s collaboration with Studio Ghibli for Ni no Kuni.

This year’s Level-5 Vision will be held earlier than 2010. Hino said that the company has the event scheduled for August.


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