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Little Inferno details

Posted on October 23, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Details concerning Little Inferno, an upcoming Wii U eShop title, have been posted online. There is finally some information available pertaining to gameplay, along with news about how the full experience plays out.

The details are as follows:

– No explicit goal
– Unclear what you’re playing as
– You sit facing your brand new Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace
– The first and only instruction you receive is to start a fire
– After burning the instruction card, you’re essentially alone again
– A letter will appear every so often
– Sugar Plumps is a mysterious neighbor girl
– Weather Man reports with increasing urgency the dire, worsening conditions of the frosty world outside your home
– Burn the letters to make coins appear
– Can purchase items from catalogues
– Items
You burn these letters, and coins appear. With these coins you can purchase items from catalogues, varying items with often surprising abilities, and you burn those too.
– Burning certain items together will fulfill “combinations”
– This is hinted at in-game but isn’t told outright to the player
– Can burn dry ice and a cup of coffee at the same time to make the “Iced Coffee” combination
– Burn a Henry Hatsworth lookalike and some tetrominoes to make the Puzzling Adventure
– Find enough of these combinations and new catalogues become available
– The new items you receive from the catalogues can make new combinations
– Environmental caution is embedded in the game’s concept
– Even though you control a character, you can’t pull your eyes away from the fireplace
– About destruction and isolation


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