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Main site and forum fully integrated – what you need to know

Posted on December 11, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates

The main site and forum are now 100% integrated. What does this mean for you? Here’s a rundown:

1) You must register for the forum in order to comment

I believe I deleted around 100 spam comments today. Unfortunately, that’s been happening on a regular basis. I’m tired of cleaning up the spam, and I’m sure you guys are tired of seeing bots. That’s one of the reason why I’m making registration mandatory to participate in discussion. I also think this is a great opportunity to promote the forum, as well as maintain consistency with the main site. If you make a comment on a news item, it will show up on the forums! And vise versa.

2) Registration is easy

Registration should literally take less than a minute. Once you sign up, you simply need to activate your account via email. That should take less than 20 seconds! If you’re having any trouble at all, send us an email and I’ll try to help you out.

3) We have a new forum skin

Our forum actually looks “Nintendo-y!” Gone is the generic, default phpbb style. In its place is something that is much more visually appealing, and is full of Mario goodness. So far you guy seem to be very pleased with it, so I’m pleased as well! Make sure to take a look at it here.

4) Staying logged in

This is something a lot of you have asked for, and I’ve done a ton of testing to make sure it works over the past few days. You should be able to stay logged in as long as you select the “Log me on automatically each visit” option. Of course, make sure cookies are enabled as well. This may need a bit more testing, but we’ll see what happens.

5) The sidebar

You can login to the main site/forum straight from the sidebar. After doing so, you’ll be able to see your avatar, any new messages you receive, your ranking, and new posts.

That’s all I can think of for now, though I’m probably forgetting a few things. Feel free to send us an email or comment/post on the forum if you see any errors or have any questions!

Forum link here
Register for the main site/forum here

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