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Mario Kart friend codes!

Posted on April 17, 2010 by (@NE_Austin) in Site updates

Update: Game night is over! Thanks for playing!

Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform that though we had many people give their Mario Kart friend codes, not too many of them confirmed that they’d be playing tonight. Additionally, a lot of people had to drop out due to not having the game with them, or for other reasons, but they’ll be back next week. For a test run of the idea, I’m happy with the group we’ve assembled!

Name: Ronin180
FC: 2449-8125-6701
Name: Alex L
Friend Code: 3866 8427 4129
Name: Valay
Friend Code: 2921-9485-4731
Name: Jack
Friend Code: 2965 6583 5641

We’ve got at least 2 more people coming in later (myself being one of them, but I’ve gotta get to the house I’ll be playing at before I can give you my code!), but I wanted to get this up as soon as possible so people are ready! You still have time to squeeze into this group, but I know some people are bringing guests so it could fill up. If you’re playing, add all these codes, and remember that the games begin at 7PM CST, with the room being hosted by me! I’ll do a final update with a link to the IRC chat so we can all talk, but until then things should stay quiet!

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