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Martinet: Miyamoto said Link isn’t getting a voice

Posted on November 15, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

“I spoke to Mr. Miyamoto and said: ‘I wanna be Link, I wanna be Link,’ and Miyamoto told me that Link isn’t going to have a voice; he is going to stay the way he is. Of course Mr. Miyamoto is always right! The way it works right now is the way it is supposed to be. It’s the genius of Miyamoto and he knows just the right formula for making his games more fun and more exciting. For example in New Super Mario Bros. Wii, If things slowed down for Mario to express his inner feelings it just wouldn’t work and this way it keeps our hearts pounding with enthusiasm.” – Charles Martinet, voice of Mario

I don’t think I can imagine Link with a voice. I’m not completely against voice acting in general for the Zelda series, but hearing Link’s voice would probably ruin a great deal of the experience for me!


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