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Metroid: Other M details

Posted on July 7, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

This information comes from the behind-the-scenes developer’s voice video on the Japanese Nintendo Channel…

– Controls adapt to the environments you explore
– Different finishing move based on the enemy
– Devs the transition from cinematics to gameplay to be smooth
– Bombing walls in the 2D Metroids to find items comparable to investigating areas in first-person view
– Team wanted a voice actress that could speak in an unsophisticated/direct manner instead of someone that has a good technique because Samus doesn’t talk much and isn’t “very good at living like a normal human being”
– Japanese voice actress is Koeda Ai
– Shooting animation very quick because Sakamoto wanted Other M to have the same feeling as 2D Metroids
– D-Rockets wanted Zero Suit Samus to be featured
– Armor protects Samus from enemies, also guards her feelings
– Sakamoto didn’t want Samus’ armor to be off unless it was very necessary for the story/situation
– Team wanted to portray a strong, cool Samus who has powers that humans don’t possess


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