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Metroid: Other M details

Posted on August 5, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

– Increase the rate of the charge beam with speed upgrades
– Game is mostly gameplay, not cinematics
– Sometimes can go an hour or more without a cutscene
– Small real-time cutscenes like Metroid Prime, are thinly placed
– Can’t skip cutscenes (at least on the first playthrough)
– Can dodge in first-person
– Find new areas to explore by deactivating holographic generators
– Some of the music include remixes
– Auto-aim will hit enemies that are far away, missiles have limited range
– Samus turns slow in first-person
– Some sequences can cause instant death (like one involving an elevator)
– Save points and continue points
– Continue points appear more frequently than save points
– Continue points usually appear before difficult sequences like the elevator sequence
– Armadillo-like boss can roll up into a ball and attack you
– Boss is vulnerable when he isn’t rolled up like an armadillo
– There are enemies that will be invisible before they attack
– First-person will allow you to find the invisible enemy’s energy signature
– Shoot the invisible enemies so that they will become visible
– A “ping” noise can be heard after all enemies in an area are defeated which will help you find hidden pick-ups
– Even though a pick-up could be in a certain room, you need to find a different room to access the original room to obtain it
– You’ll see a summary of the game’s story so far, recapping what you’ve seen and done as the game loads from a save point
– Cutscene in the game has a chicken-like creature, leaps out of the shrubbery, stares with black eyes and wags its tail
– one cut-scene features a strange chicken-like creature that leaps out of shrubbery, stares at you and waggles its tail

Source 1, Source 2, Source 3

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