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Mikami: Gaming market should be more adventurous

Posted on November 30, 2008 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Shinji Mikami, best known for his work on the Resident Evil series, was recently asked how the gaming industry has changed since he began working…

“When I joined the industry in 1990, it was an industry where anything was possible based upon the strength of your ideas. Since large amounts of financial capital have become necessary, the balance has tipped toward return on investment via extensive use of marketing and acquiring larger numbers of users. Because of this, I feel that the number of games made as creative challenges has decreased. I wish the market had more of an adventurous spirit. As a creator, my desire to challenge myself by making interesting things hasn’t changed a bit.”

Although I partially agree with Mikami, there are a great deal of games that step outside the box and take risks. Super Mario Galaxy, for instance, is conventional in the sense that it is another Mario game, but the element of gravity is creative.

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