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Miyamoto provides The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword status update

Posted on December 21, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

At E3, Shigeru Miyamoto said that The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was nearly complete. In fact, at a roundtable discussion following Nintendo’s press conference, Miyamoto explained that the game would have already been released had Twilight Princess’ art style been used. It seemed as though only the game’s dungeons and bosses needed to be worked on before the title could ship to stores.

But perhaps Skyward Sword isn’t as far along as we thought. In an interview with Pocket-lint, Miyamoto stated that the game is “over half complete.” Based on the wording used, I wouldn’t be so sure that Skyward Sword will be released in early 2011, as was originally promised. Miyamoto went on to discuss his interest in making the game “very dense.”

“What we are focused on is creating gameplay mechanics so the gameplay experience feels very dense. In fact, the overall experience is going to feel more dense. We hope that people will want to go back and replay the game once they finish it.”

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