More Free Stuff: Rocketfish DSi Battery Packs

If you watched the latest episode of ‘That One Show’, you know that our new friends at Rocketfish gaming accessories have offered to give all you cool cats some free stuff, so I said I’d do it, but only if I could challenge all of you to a test first. After much coercion, they agreed that I could test you, as long as it didn’t permanently damage you in any way.
Despite my disappointment at the above prerequisite for my plan, I decided I’d just put your Nintendo knowledge on the stand with a little question. All you gotta do is answer it either in the comments, via YouTube, via e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, etc (as long as I see it), and then if you get it right, you’ll be put in a random selection to win one of these:
We have a total of five to give away, but I’m only giving away two this week. Here’s your question:
Nintendo is soon to release a line of “Nintendo Select” titles for the Wii that will offer some of the best titles on the system, including Twilight Princess and WarioWare, for just $20. Before the Wii, what did Nintendo call it when they rereleased games at lower prices, such as The Legend Of Zelda Four Swords Adventure on Gamecube? For bonus points, name the first game system to ever use this idea of rereleasing games.
If you win, we’ll e-mail you. The only rule I can think of is that you (unfortunately) have to live inside the United States to receive one. Sorry, international crowd! We love and respect you, but shipping costs are ridiiiiculous.