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MotionPlus support in Zelda Wii pretty much a guarantee

Posted on July 31, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

Even before concept art for Zelda Wii was officially shown at E3 2009, a majority of fans were in agreement that the game should support Wii MotionPlus. However, there were some contradicting statements made by Shigeru Miyamoto coming out of E3. During his roundtable event, Miyamoto said that MotionPlus in Zelda Wii would be dependent on the sales of Wii Sports Resort. Then in an interview with Wired, he stated that “The goal at this point is that we would make Wii MotionPlus required in order to play Zelda.”

Zelda followers can rest a bit easier today though, as it’s almost 100% safe to say at this point that MotionPlus will be in Link’s next adventure. Nintendo’s Senior Manager of Product Marketing, Bill Trinen, spoke in a number of different interviews about the peripheral, and provided basically the same type of message – That Miyamoto said at E3 that the next Zelda game for Wii will use MotionPlus. So, I suppose Miyamoto’s original comment at his roundtable is no longer significant.

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