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Natsume’s Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns launches today for DS

Posted on September 20, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News

The Latest Title In The Harvest Moon Series Is Also Available At Natsume’s New Online Retail Store

Burlingame, CA. – SEPTEMBER 20, 2011- Natsume Inc., a worldwide developer and publisher of family-oriented video games, announced today that Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns has launched for the
Nintendo DS. The game is now available at retail for an MSRP of
$29.99 and is rated E for Everyone by the ESRB.

“We are thrilled that Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns is now available for the Nintendo DS,” said Hiro Maekawa, President and CEO of Natsume. “We’re sure die-hard fans of the series and newcomers alike will love the latest title in the Harvest Moon series!”

Konohana and Bluebell villages were once the friendliest of neighbors.
Then a huge dispute erupted between them over, of all things, food!
Both towns were certain that their cooking was the best in the world.
This feud has transformed these happy neighbors into bitter rivals.

As a new farmer to the area, players choose which village to live in.
Will it be Eastern-styled Konohana, with its abundant fields of crops, or the animal-loving, European-styled Bluebell? Players will pick a home, build a thriving farm, and compete in a huge variety of festivals. If they develop their skills enough, and they might even find a way to bring these two towns together once again!

Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns is also available on Natsume’s new online retail store at

More details can be found at You can also follow all of the latest Natsume news at and

Source: Natsume PR

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