Beyond the Labyrinth is due out in Japan in less than two weeks. Konami and tri-Ace gave players an opportunity to sample the game ahead of its release on the 19th, and that means we have a bunch of new details about the game.
The new information is as follows:
– Normal hard, hard, super hard, ultra hard, and hyper hard difficulty settings
– Change the difficulty midway through the game
– Clear history will show the lowest difficult setting you used at any point
– Can press B to fast forward through event scenes
– Your meeting with the game’s heroine happens at the beginning of the game and happens in an unexpected way
– Can use Photoshop for customization (unclear if the game itself makes any special accommodations for Photoshop use, or if you’re just importing jpeg or bmp data which can of course be edited in Photoshop)
– Use the net to trade clothes with other players (unclear if internet exchanges are part of the game or if you can just exchange image data online via your PC)
– Change the color of the girls’ panties
– HP recovers completely when you reach a save point
– Other special points on the field where you’ll recover some of your HP as well
– Some parameters, such as the move points that determine how much you can move, are carried over to the next battle
– Party members talk during battle
– These conversations are recorded in a log
– Will take about 40 hours to complete
Thanks to 4Him for the tip!