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New Kokuga details

Posted on December 24, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Thanks to an update on Kokuga’s official site, we have a bunch of new details about the game. You can find all of the information below.

– L and R used to rotate your turret
– Fire weapon with B
– Also hit B to use the card you’ve selected on the touch screen
– Given 20 shuffled cards at the stage of each stage
– Four of these cards can be found on the touch screen at a time
– A new card shows up when you use one
– Cards include attack style cards, which give you access to special weapon attacks, and defense cards, which do things like restore your shield or repair your ship
– May want to play a stage a second or third time due to difficulty changes
– Stages start off with Normal difficulty
– Then moves to Hard once you beat a stage on Normal and Ultimate once you finish the level on Hard


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