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New LovePlus + producer talks about the 3DS game

Posted on July 3, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Famitsu has a first look at New LovePlus + this week. The magazine doesn’t have any gameplay details, but managed to get a few words out of senior producer Akari Uchida.

First, Uchida addressed the fact that the original 3DS game suffered from a number of issues. New LovePlus + will make a number of improvements, and will also include a lot of new story scenarios.

“With the previous game, a lot of people said it had gotten harder to play after we reworked the gameplay system and interface. We are reconsidering the entire game here, including rolling back on some of those new features. In addition to that, though, I’ve written a massive amount of new story scenarios for each of the three heroines.”

Konami did offer up some concept art to Famitsu, which features the three LovePlus girls in some strange areas. The art pieces feature Egyptian ruins, a pirate ship, and a samurai-era Tokyo setting.

“I wonder what it could be? Looks like they’ve gone back in time, hasn’t it? We deliberately drew them up in order to make people think that, but they represent the themes behind the new features in this game. You aren’t traveling through time, but we had wanted to do some kind of travel-related events in the game for a while now. There are a lot of other features we’re considering, but right now our hands are full with this, so I’d like to save further announcements for once things are solidified a bit more.”

Uchida also commented on when fans can expect to see the game:

“I think it’d be nice if it could be out by the time we’re warming up from the cold, but it’s not quite warm yet, either. We’re all trying hard to make sure we don’t make people wait too long this time around.”


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