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New Pokemon Black/White details

Posted on May 13, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News

I’ve been holding back on posting these details as the validity of the information (and even scans) have been questioned, but now it looks as though pretty much everything has been confirmed.

– New ability Zoroark/Zorua can use: Illusion
– Illusion let’s the user transform in a different Pokemon
– Trickery: Attack determined by enemy’s stats
– Claw Sharpen: Increases attack/accuracy
– You’ll be able to encounter Zoroark (level 25) by bringing Entei/Suicune/Raikou into Black/White, Zoroark will transform into those Pokemon, try to capture it when it stops transforming
– Mijumaru (water) – Torrent ability, .5m tall, 5.9kg in weight
– Tsutaji (grass) – Overgrown ability, .6 tall, 8.1kg in weight
– Pokabu (fire) – Blaze, .6 tall, 9.9kg in weight

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