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Nigoro still pushing for La-Mulana overseas release

Posted on July 11, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

Nigoro has provided an update on the overseas WiiWare release of La-Mulana. The company is saying that there remains a strong chance that the game will arrive in North America in Europe.

When the title does make it out – which is basically fait accompli at this point – it won’t come with the Hell temple.

Right now the publishing plan is “proceeding smoothly”. Nigoro will share another update “when the release is entirely confirmed.”

Nigoro said:

To be honest, we don’t give up WiiWare version for overseas.

It might be not the time to tell that just before releasing PC version.
But, we think it’s rude to tell that WiiWare version is released after you buy PC version.
So, we want to let you know in advance, “There is a possibility to release WiiWare version.”

It will be without the additional download contents.
So far, you can’t play Hell temple on WiiWare though, it might be a better option for someone who doesn’t need to play Hell temple or prefers to play on the game console.

The plan is proceeding smoothly, but please wait for the information.
We will let you know when the release is entirely confirmed.

EnjoyUp is said to be in talks with Nigoro for the La-Mulana European release. It’s possible that they’ll be publishing the game in North America as well.


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