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Ninja Gaiden Wii U “not being developed in parallel” with PS3/360 versions, Team Ninja wants to push console “as hard as it can”

Posted on October 10, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

This information comes from Tecmo Koei localisation head Peter Garza, who was asked about Ninja Gaiden: Razor’s Edge…

“It is still there. It’s not being developed in parallel, but we do have the game up and running on the dev hardware. We’re still playing with control schemes to see what would be fun with Wii U, but it’s definitely there and it’s definitely getting worked on.”

Garza was also asked how much Team Ninja has squeezed from the Wii U so far…

“That’s kind of hard to say right now because, like I said, we’re just getting it up and running now on Wii U. And we’re still finding out what the hardware can do and how to work with the hardware itself. Right now, we’re at a very early stage, so we can’t say that we’re pushing it to its limits right now. But I can tell you that the team being what it is is definitely interested in pushing the hardware as hard as it can. With 3DS, when we brought out Dead or Alive: Dimensions, that was one of the best looking 3DS games out there. And we really wanted to use whatever hardware we were on, we want to use to its full potential and really push that. Not just in spec, but the features that make that hardware unique. So for right now with Wii U, we’re just starting to know what Wii U is and how we can make it fun.”

Interestingly, Ninja Gaiden: Razor’s Edge is very early on in development – perhaps moreso than some originally thought. Team Ninja apparently just started to get the game running on Wii U a couple of weeks ago.


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