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Nintendo admits it hasn’t done so well at expressing 3DS features, Pushmo a big success

Posted on June 21, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Nintendo has said that it could do a little better at informing the public about the 3DS features.

Nintendo UK’s now ex-general manager David Yarnton told MCV that it has been promoting the system’s online efforts – the eShop in particular – but the company must be persistent in educating others about the 3DS’ functionality

Yarnton stated:

“One of the things we perhaps haven’t been so good at is telling you about the features we have. For example the downloadable games and other DLC – but we have been promoting it.”

Yarnton was able to confirm that Pushmo (known as Pullbox in Europe), has been one of the eShop’s “big successes”. Specific sales figures weren’t revealed, but it’s “done incredibly well”.

“One of our big successes has been Pullbox. It has done incredibly well, and is such good value, and is so much fun – but not enough people know about it. It’s not there on the shopfloor. But it is there, and we have a lot of games like that. We need to do more about educating people about that.”


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