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Nintendo concerned about response to 3DS price cut

Posted on July 28, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

If someone were to tell you a year ago that the 3DS would be getting a steep price cut less than six months into its lifecycle, you probably would have that that the person was crazy. But today, that’s exactly what happened. The system will be seeing a price reduction around the world next month in what is one of the quickest and steeping price changes for a Nintendo product.

And apparently Nintendo is concerned about how loyal, early 3DS owners will feel about the move. The company issued the following statement today:

“Never in Nintendo’s history have we dropped a system’s trade price so significantly. We are aware this may cause you, the loyal fans who supported Nintendo 3DS from the beginning, to lose trust in us, and this is not our intention in any way. …although we may not be able to completely prevent you from regretting purchasing Nintendo 3DS early, we would like to express our gratitude to our special customers like you….”


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