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Nintendo considered Nintendogs game for Wii

Posted on February 7, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

This information comes from the latest edition of Iwata Asks focusing on nintendogs + cats…

Konno: There were even ideas for animals like horses and dolphins. Some people said that horses would definitely sell well in Europe.

Iwata: So you were thinking about it, experimenting, and discussing it. Fate just wasn’t with those experiments and weren’t able to find that key element to validate them as a product.

Konno: Yes. We actually considered it for the Wii system. But it doesn’t have a microphone, so you couldn’t talk to your dog.

Iwata: Oh! So if the Wii Remote controller had a mic, there might have been a Wii version of Nintendogs?

Konno: Yeah. We might have moved forward with it.

Miyamoto: But there’s a distance between the Wii Remote and the television, so it might not have felt like you were petting your dog.

Konno: Right. We decided to consider any good ideas that might come up, but nothing ever developed.

Miyamoto: And to be honest, I didn’t feel like making a follow-up Nintendogs at the time.

Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!


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