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Nintendo keeping quiet about future Wii U games to avoid idea copying

Posted on June 13, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Nintendo’s unveiling for Wii U in terms of games was incredibly odd. For the most part, we only know about titles that will be released during the launch window.

That’s very different from how Nintendo approached the Wii and 3DS. With both systems, first-party content was shown that was planned for well-beyond the launch period.

Based on new comments from Satoru Iwata, it sounds like Nintendo is intentionally keeping quiet about other games planned for the system so that their ideas won’t be stolen.

Iwata shared the following statement with investors during a Q&A session at E3 2012 last week:

First, what we’ve shown at the E3 show are both the launch titles that will be released with Wii U hardware this holiday season and the launch window titles that will be released early next year or not long after the hardware launch. We do have ideas of what kind of software we will be releasing after those two periods, and Mr. Miyamoto as well as I are both directly involved in the development process. Those include both our traditional franchises and of course new propositions as well. However, because we are now in the era when similar proposals can be made by the others just one year after we introduced a brand-new hardware system proposal, please understand that we really can’t say much about what else we are planning.


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