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Nintendo Minute hosts on why they started the show

Posted on January 27, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Kit and Krysta, the hosts of Nintendo Minute, are often asked why they started the show and how it came about. This is something that the two addressed head-on in a post on Nintendo’s new Tumblr page.

Here’s the full exchange between the two:

Kit: Today we’re going to cover a question that we get fairly frequently from Nintendo Minute viewers, which is “how the heck did the two of you get started doing this thing anyway?”

Krysta: I sometimes ask myself the same question but I think the number one reason (at least for me) is we started Nintendo Minute because of one thing and one thing only; we love Nintendo games and we wanted to share that with you guys!

Kit: Yes, I feel very lucky that throughout my life I’ve been able to have friends around me who are also into games, and that I can talk to about games, because let’s be honest, it’s what we’re constantly thinking about. At the same time, I know there are people out there who may not be in the same position. You and I have had these sorts of discussions ever since we started at Nintendo, so it felt natural to translate them to video and share with everyone else. It’s also been a fun way to document my journey with facial hair! Please look forward to my Viking beard braid in 2017.

Krysta: We’re incredibly lucky to work at a company that really cultivates this type of environment and really encourages us to share our passion with all of you. And yes, it’s weird to see how different we look through the years. And there’s one more thing I want to bring up. We’re definitely not making these videos because we think we’re, like, game playing geniuses or something. But one thing for me that I’ve always believed in, is that you don’t have to be awesome at games to love them. In fact, I think I really suck at most games but it doesn’t make them any less fun for me to play them.

Kit: Our failed dreams of eSports glory aside, Nintendo Minute has really brought us closer to the Nintendo fan community, whether it’s meeting people at events or reading comments (we read them all!). I love how there’s such a circular relationship.

Krysta: Well now I think you’re scaring them…

Kit: This post is too cordial…I…I…don’t know what to do next.

The very first Nintendo Minute aired during the middle of 2013. In May, the show will be celebrating its third anniversary. Time really flies, doesn’t it?


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