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Nintendo not worried about Wii Sports Resort owners having to buy a second MotionPlus

Posted on July 25, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

“Well, I think — especially for us — the thing about something like a new accessory, whether it’s Wii MotionPlus or any of the other accessories we’ve done, it’s really, “Is the gameplay experience compelling enough to give that accessory a reason to exist?” And in the case of Wii Fit and the Balance Board, I think that was obviously the case.

With Wii MotionPlus, we’re seeing Tiger Woods [PGA Tour 10] was a very, very well-executed game [that] takes great advantage of Wii MotionPlus. It’s already got a pretty good install base for us out there in advance of the launch of Wii Sports Resort. So I think already, there are audiences that feel that Wii MotionPlus clearly brings something new to the table, [that it] creates something new that you can’t have anywhere else. And I think that, as long as that’s the case, that people are going to — if they feel there’s value in that experience — that they won’t hesitate to pick up a second one.” – Senior Product Marketing Manager for Nintendo of America, Bill Trinen

I think it’s a shoe-in that most consumers will eventually pick up a second MotionPlus. However, with the amount of peripherals that the Wii is capable of using, MotionPlus might be considered to be expensive by some consumers and might be less willing to shell out cash for an additional add-on.


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