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Nintendo says it’s considering both sequels and new IPs

Posted on June 27, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Nintendo franchises

Nintendo introduces new IPs from time to time, but the company is certainly known for its franchises. Mario, Zelda, Splatoon, and Animal Crossing are just some of the series that fans have come to love over the many years that the Big N has been around.

According to Nintendo’s Shinya Takahashi, Nintendo is considering both sequels and new IPs. That news comes from the company’s latest shareholders meeting that took place earlier today.

Takahashi first started out by introducing Nintendo’s current lineup, which was a digest video of the latest Nintendo Direct. As a small tidbit, Takahashi was apparently smiling quite a bit when the Metroid Prime 4: Beyond footage – which you can see here by the way – was shown.

As for Nintendo’s approach, here’s a rough translation of what Takahashi said during the event today, courtesy of NStyles:

“We have released a number of software titles that allow users to experience new ways of playing. We are considering various options for the future. We are considering development for both customers who have enjoyed our previous characters and customers who want to enjoy something new.”

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