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Nintendo Sound Clock: Alarmo teardown shows it has Switch 2-rumored tech Hall effect sensor

Posted on March 12, 2025 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Switch 2

Nintendo Sound Clock Alarmo Hall effect sensor

iFixit recently posted a teardown of Nintendo Sound Clock: Alarmo, and while there aren’t massive discoveries, it has been found that the device makes use of a Hall effect sensor – which is rumored for Nintendo Switch 2.

With the sensor, iFixit mentions that this will help preserve the alarm clock in the long-term. This is more resistant to wear and tear, so it shouldn’t break as easily. Additionally, the sensor helps to improve accuracy while using the dial to navigate the alarm clock’s menus

Nintendo Switch 2 using the Hall effect sensor for its Joy-Con have long been rumored. Assuming Nintendo uses the tech, it should help prevent Joy-Con drift, which was a notable problem with the current console. Drift can become a significant issue with affected controllers as the device registers input even if the player isn’t moving the stick.

You can check out the full Nintendo Sound Clock: Alarmo teardown from iFixit below.

Teardown Video

Thanks to The Verge for the news above. Integrated voice chat is also now rumored for Nintendo Switch 2 following a patent discovery, which we covered here.

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