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Nintendo, Telltale shouldn’t be blamed for Strong Bad delay

Posted on August 5, 2008 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

A post over at the Telltale forums explains why Strong Bad has yet to be released on WiiWare…

“We at Telltale know that you guys are very excited and eager for SBCG4AP to release, and so are we, but your anger with Nintendo and Telltale is misplaced. In fact, the sole reason for the delay lies in the hands of our partners at Videlectrix. First they delayed the game because they found that some of our coders were not using green text. Apparently they expect all computer code to use green text and mistook our code for a Word document (Which they weren’t able to open). After that debacle, they demanded that we give them an accurate pixel count before we could release the game. We didn’t know what that meant! Videlectrix told us that they wanted to put the number of pixels being used on the box as a marketing device (Ex. Now featuring 100 pixels!). When we informed them that this was a downloadable game and there was no box, well they really let the chickens crow! In an effort to get things back on track we, have sent them an old NES cartridge and let them know that if they blow on it enough, it will play the demo of the game on their “Fun Machine” That seems to have made them happy. So hang in there guys. We are working hard to get this game past the Videlectrix approval board and into your hands (Or hard drives… or whatever!). And remember, if you need to blame somebody, blame Videlectrix!” – Mark Darin, Telltale game designer

Oh Strong Bad, how we love you so. The game is definitely on its way, but we just have to wait a little longer for it to be released.

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