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Nintendo Treehouse Log updates: Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon, Mario Odyssey, Monster Hunter Stories, Skyrim

Posted on October 14, 2017 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Switch

The Nintendo Treehouse Log saw a flurry of activitiy this past week. Four separate entries were published on the Tumblr page. Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon, Super Mario Odyssey, Monster Hunter Stories, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim alll received some love.

Each one of these blogs updates cover various topics about the games. With Skyrim for example, Nintendo talks about comparisons to Zelda: Breath of the Wild and more.

We’ve included excerpts from the different posts with links to each below.

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon – Necrozma’s New Tale!

As you adventure through the Alola region, you’ll be confronted with troubles involving the Legendary Pokémon Necrozma, that has two new forms! Depending on which version of the game you get, you’ll encounter one or the other. Dusk Mane Necrozma gets unleashed in Pokémon Ultra Sun, while Dawn Wings Necrozma takes to the skies in Pokémon Ultra Moon. Keep on the lookout for more information to come!

Oh, and in case you missed it, we’ve also got a new Ultra Beast alert! Two unknown Ultra Beasts, codename UB Burst and UB Assembly, are about to make their first appearance. But there’s a catch: UB Burst only appears in Pokémon Ultra Sun while UB Assembly only appears in Pokémon Ultra Moon. Make sure to keep this in mind, Pokémon collectors.

Travel Photography with a Twist, Part 2 – New Donk City


To grab this shot, I flew over to New Donk City and then used a checkpoint flag I’d activated during a previous visit to quick-travel over to Mayor Pauline Commemorative Park (where a certain talented bassist likes to practice).

Once I had the shot lined up exactly the way I wanted it, I swapped over to the Silhouette filter for this misty, abstract effect.

Pro tip: If you’re really into taking sweeping landscape shots, I also can’t recommend utilizing the Binoculars you’ll find scattered throughout the world highly enough. Try capturing a pair and swapping over to Snapshot Mode while you’re looking through them. You’ll get an amazing birds-eye view from a very high vantage point, from which you can take some truly incredible shots.

Who Will Win in the Game of Bulldromes?

Battling against human opponents is very different from battling against AI in the main scenario, so below are some tips to give you an edge.

Unlike in the main game, where the player can have a party of five to six monsters, players are limited to three monsters for multiplayer battles. You are free to balance or specialize your party in any way you like. Do you want to bring your three strongest monsters from the main game? Perhaps balance your party and bring a monster for each of the Power, Speed, and Technical attack types to be prepared for anything? Maybe annoy your opponents by bringing monsters that can inflict negative status effects?

Exploring Skyrim Part I: Welcome to Skyrim

In the 100+ hours I’ve clocked in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game, at least 70 were spent just exploring and discovering fun ways to interact with everything (tossing bombs into Bokoblin caves causes such lovely chaos). I couldn’t help being reminded of another game I’ve spent hundreds of hours doing whatever I want to in: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Experiences vary, of course, but given my “do everything” playstyle, it’s hard not to see similarities peek through.

Both games feature robust worlds to explore. Both let you do what you want, when you want. And both offer up a ton of content beyond the main story. Delve into dungeons packed with enemies and traps. Try to discover the right mix of materials to create effective (and lucrative) potions. Cook up delectable dishes to help restore stamina and health. Dive into the story and the many side-quests. Or just hunt out new locations (and then use them to fast-travel around the map). There’s always something to do!

This series of posts will dive into some important concepts to keep in mind as you head into the world of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. If you’re a returning fan, we’ve got some Nintendo Switch version exclusive insights (like the aforementioned motion controls) for you, too.

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