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Nintendo UK on Pikmin/Smash Bros. 3DS, AR cards, friend codes, lack of achievements, more

Posted on February 13, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Nintendo UK’s Head of Marketing James Honeywell on the possibility of Pikmin 3DS/Smash Bros. 3DS…

“In theory both are just as possible or likely – however neither title has been formally announced as being in development.”

Honeywell on how AR will be incorporated into games…

“From launch, you’ll be able to play with the built in software using the AR cards that come with 3DS. We haven’t announced any further details about how AR could potentially be used in games but certainly the potential and ability for developers to realize ideas like this are very real and very possible. There are no immediate plans to sell AR cards as separate items.”

Honeywell on whether Honeywell will use AR cards…

“It’s technically possible but we have nothing to announce on this at this time. There are no immediate plans to sell AR cards as separate items.”

Honeywell on why the 3DS’ online can’t work with a gamer ID and a child lock instead of friend codes…

“Our approach to the online gaming experience has been firm and consistent – it needs to be simple, safe and free. We feel a responsibility to make the online experience as enjoyable as possible for as many people as possible and whilst we fully understand and accept that not everyone is happy with friend codes we believe that with 3DS we have taken steps to address many concerns whilst retaining our core principles that make our online experience so enjoyable for so many people. With 3DS users need only input one code for the hardware – codes are no longer software dependent – this was a frequent comment from DS users and something we addressed with 3DS.”

Honeywell on the lack of an achievement system for the 3DS…

“We don’t believe the vast majority of people who want a 3DS or who will play 3DS want an achievement system.”

Honeywell on whether the 3DS browser can run Flash/YouTube videos…

“The web browser will be available via a system update after launch. However, I’m unable to announce any specifics today – but we will reveal more information closer to launch.”

Honeywell on DS/DSi plans after launch…

“As long as there is consumer demand and retailers continue to place orders for DS and DSi we will continue to supply them. We see each of the consoles offering something different for everyone so there’s no reason why they cannot co-exist together.”

Honeywell on whether he expects the 3DS to sell out…

“We’re trying incredibly hard to make sure as many people who want a 3DS at launch can get one. You’ll already have seen retailers commenting on the rate and pace of pre-orders for 3DS so you’ll know that there is already a huge appetite for it.”


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