Nintendo’s 80th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders – all directors re-elected, approval ratings
Nintendo held its 80th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on June 26, where shareholders voted on several matters including on the election of its board of directors and their approval ratings. All five directors were re-elected, and all five also saw a rise in approval ratings:
Shuntaro Furukawa
In Favor: 937,392
Against: 41,324
Abstained: 245
Approval rate: 95.47%
Shigeru Miyamoto
In Favor: 965,332
Against: 12,059
Abstained: 1,575
Approval rate: 98.32%
Shinya Takahashi
In Favor: 965,552
Against: 11,834
Abstained: 1,575
Approval rate: 98.34%
Ko Shiota
In Favor: 965,559
Against: 11,827
Abstained: 1,575
Approval rate: 98.34%
Satoru Shibata
In Favor: 965,553
Against: 11,833
Abstained: 1,575
Approval rate: 98.34%