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Nnooo interested in messaging/video conferencing for DSi

Posted on December 8, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News

This information comes from a recent podcast…

“Well, we got a really good one we would love to do which we are calling myChat, that would basically allow users to instant message or video conference or call each other through Nintendo Wi-Fi, but unfortunately, because Nintendo DSi isn’t classified as a communication device like the telephone, it is in a real grey area, so we had that to put on hold at the moment just because Nintendo aren’t yet ready. We thought it would be really cool, but we can’t go futher with that unfortunately.” – Nic Watt, Nnooo

I could see this type of download being very successful if it ended up on DSiWare. I do hope that Nnooo can resume work on this project sometime in the future.

Podcast here

Thanks to NintenDaan for the news tip!

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