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Octopath Traveler II details Ochette & Castti and story progression in new trailer

Posted on January 20, 2023 by in News, Switch

Square Enix have released a new trailer for Octopath Traveler II, highlighting two of the game’s eight protagonists: Ochette, the hunter, and Castti, the apothecary. The trailer also gives players a look at how story progression will work in the game.

Check out the new trailer and some accompanying information below:

New travelers: Meet Ochette and Castti
OCTOPATH TRAVELER II features eight new playable characters. Each one comes from a very different walk of life and has their own distinct skills and abilities to use in and out of combat.

Here are just two:


Voiced by: Suzie Yeung
Your name is Ochette, and you are a hunter. Your tale begins on the isle of Toto’haha alongside your fellow beastlings.

Despite your troubles with the human islanders, you live a carefree life. That is, until you learn of an encroaching calamity known as the Night of the Scarlet Moon.

“All right, Master Juvah. I’ll do it. I’ll find those Creatures of Legend and bring them back.”

Desperate to save your home, you set sail in search of those who can help…

Some of the characters in Ochette’s tale
As you’d expect, Ochette is surrounded by many interesting characters. However, what may surprise you is that not all are human…

Isle Warden, Juvah
Voiced by: Jaimeson Price
Ochette’s master and leader of the beastlings who live on Toto’haha. He hopes she will one day become a protector of the island.

Voiced by: Daman Mills
A lājackal, radiant in the sun’s grace. He acts as both a younger and older brother to Ochette along her journey.

Voiced by: Cristina Vee
A malamaowl, serene in the grace of the moon. She acts as both a younger and older sister to Ochette along her journey.

Ochette’s tale begins in Toto’haha
Southeastern Solistia is dominated by an ocean dotted by countless islands of all shapes and sizes. The largest of these is Toto’haha, which was first encountered by continental pioneers twenty years ago.

In its western reaches reside the beastlings, a petite people with fluffy tails.

On the east of Toto’haha lies the town of Tropu’hopu, which was established by the first continental pioneers to settle on the island.

The harbor town’s proximity to New Delsta caused it to be developed as a resort for the wealthy. In addition, it produces many luxury goods, such as delicious coffee beans, and now serves as an important stop along the trade routes between eastern and western continents.

Ochette’s Path Actions
All the playable characters in OCTOPATH TRAVELER II can use special Path Actions. These are skills that let you interact with NPCs, discover information or items and more.

Characters have two Path Actions – one that they can use during the day, and another for night. Here are Ochette’s:

Daytime: Provoke
Ochette can set a monster on a townsperson and initiate a battle.
Win, and they will be knocked unconscious. But fail too many times and your reputation will suffer, which means you won’t be allowed to use any Path Actions.

Night time: Befriend
This action lets you take a townsperson along on your journey and summon them to help you in battle.
You will need specific items, such as jerky, to befriend someone.

Ochette’s Talents: Capture and Prepare
Ochette can capture monsters and even turn them into items by preparing them.

Her success rates at capturing monsters increase when an enemy’s HP is lowered, their weaknesses are exposed, they are afflicted with status ailments, and/or if they are broken.

After defeating a monster, Ochette also has a set chance of automatically capturing it.

Captured monsters can be summoned in battle. Although there is a limit to the number of monsters Ochette can capture, they can be summoned as many times as needed, making them powerful allies. They can also compensate for the elements and skills that Ochette cannot use.

You can prepare captured monsters to turn them into useful items. This can be done at any time on the field, or when you have too many monsters in your party.

Prepared items can be used for recovery, or even to befriend townspeople at night. The stronger the monster, the better the item, and the more powerful the people you can befriend.

Ochette’s Latent Power: Animal Instincts
Each hero in OCTOPATH TRAVELER II has a Latent Power, which they can unleash during combat when their gauge is full.

When Ochette’s latent power gauge is full, she can let her inner beast loose and gain access to special skills.

Ochette’s special skills include Beastly Claws, which assails all foes with a powerful physical attack, and Beastly Fangs, which unleashes a highly powerful physical attack on a single enemy.

Animal Instincts’ skills do not consume any SP, making for simple and effective attacks.

Castti Florenz

Voiced by: Sarah Weidenheft
Your name is Castti Florenz, and you are an apothecary. Your tale begins in a port town of the Harborlands.

Discovered adrift at sea, you awoke to the realization that you could not recall your own name. The only clues to your identity are your satchel and skills as an apothecary.

“I need to rediscover who I am. And…there’s something else. Something important I’m forgetting…”

Unable to ignore the nagging feeling within you, you embark on a journey to recover what you lost…

A character in Castti’s tale
Since Castti has lost her memories, her connections are shrouded in mystery.
Voiced by: Heather Gonzalez
A traveling apothecary who is awestruck by Castti, whose skills persist despite her memory loss. She is moved by Castti’s desire to help the townspeople and decides to lend her a helping hand.

Castti’s adventure begins in the Harborlands
Southern Solistia is home to long tracts of twisting coastline, along which one can find the bustling port of Canalbrine. During the Age of Exploration – roughly a hundred years ago -ships launched from this town’s piers would discover the sea routes that led to the eastern continent.

Canalbrine’s symbol is its colossal lighthouse, which guides ships from all corners of the world safely into its harbor. Erected roughly twenty years ago by a cadre of engineers who fled the destruction of the U, it boasts a unique design. Special ore was polished to a mirror sheen and fashioned into a reflector plate, and the light it emits can supposedly be seen all the way in New Delsta.

Today, Canalbrine’s church is an important launching point for proselytizers and evangelists who come from the eastern continent to spread the teachings of the Sacred Flame.

Castti’s Path Actions
Daytime: Inquire
If Castti’s level is high enough, she can inquire to glean information from townspeople.

Night time: Soothe
Allay a townsperson’s pain, allowing them to sleep.

Castti can use specific items to soothe townspeople, and the necessary item depends on who she is treating.

Castti’s Talent: Concoct
Castti can combine multiple ingredients to make healing and hazardous concoctions. You can boost to increase the number of ingredients and, depending on the compound, might even heal the entire party.

Combine the right ingredients to assail an enemy’s weak points with a hazardous compound and you may be able to easily break them or inflict status ailments.

Castti’s Latent Power: Every Drop Counts
Every Drop Counts allows Castti to concoct without using up any precious materials. At max boost, you can even conserve up to five materials in a single go.

This is a useful power to have when aiding the party in both normal and boss battles.

Crossed Paths: Castti and Ochette
New to OCTOPATH TRAVELER II are Crossed Paths – stories that involve two travelers.

Castti and Ochette arrive in the lively little village of Cropdale, where they hear hunting has been poor lately.

The two then head deep into the woods to investigate…

Different stories have different structures
Each traveler’s tale in OCTOPATH TRAVELER II has a different structure. Some have more than one objective, and you are free to choose how you want to proceed. Let’s look at two characters we’ve previously showcased for examples.

For example, Throné, the thief, must decide whether to pursue Mother or Father first.

If opting to pursue Father, Throné will make for the thieves’ town of Winterbloom where her target awaits.
If choosing to pursue Mother, Throné will head to Oresrush to find clues on her target’s whereabouts.

The merchant, Partitio, can head to his next main story objective or follow the Scent of Commerce around the realm.

You never know what treasures you may find during Partitio’s story…

Side Stories

In addition to the eight traveler’s main stories, there are various side stories to discover. Some problems have more than one solution, so utilize your Path Actions to help resolve the townspeople’s troubles.

A merchant is at a loss when her horses suddenly go missing. Is there a way to help her before she must close her doors for good…?

You can find the thief and Challenge him to a duel or Ambush him to get the horses back. Or…

You can Allure or Guide a shorthanded rancher and introduce him to the merchant to help her find new employ.

Game Speed
In OCTOPATH TRAVELER II, you can fast-forward event scenes and the automatic text speed at the touch of a button. You can also adjust the speed during battle, allowing you to enjoy the game at your preferred tempo.

Octopath Traveler II will release on Switch next month, on February 24.


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