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Octuplet mother seen shopping for Wii

Posted on February 13, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

One of the more recent well-known off-beat stories in the United States centers around Nadya Suleman who gave birth to eight children. Having six other children before the birth of her eight new babies, she is now a mother of fourteen.

Suleman opened up a website and has been accepting donations for herself and her children. She has no job and is $50,000 in debt. So how is she spending the donated money she has received? On Wednesday, Suleman was seen looking at video games. Someone took a video of her while she was surveying the Wii and some accessories for the system. Since Wii remotes cost $40, her purchase could end up being $560 if she buys a controller for every one of her children. With a Wii, the total purchase could escalate to $810.

Source 1, Source 2

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