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Old Skies finally gets release date, new trailer after six years in development

Posted on March 11, 2025 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop, Videos

Old Skies release date

Today, Wadjet Eye Games finally confirmed its release date for Old Skies. The title heads to Nintendo Switch on April 23, 2025.

We’ve been waiting on this one quite a bit as the original announcement for Nintendo’s console took place in 2022. Designer Dave Gilbert has been working on this one for almost six years.

Here’s a recap on what to expect:

Fia Quinn is a time traveler, accompanying clients of the ChronoZen Time Travel Agency on jumps to other eras to make sure they don’t rewrite important aspects of history. Some of these people are merely curious. Others have unresolved business. As long as they can pay for the trip, their motivations don’t matter to Fia… until they do.

Jump with Fia into seven time-travel cases spanning two centuries, from the speakeasies of Prohibition to the vicious gangs of the Gilded Age to the World Trade Center on September 10, 2001. Solve temporal problems, survive paradoxes, and resolve the mistakes of the past or die trying — as many times as it takes.

What could go wrong? It’s only time travel, after all.

A new trailer accompanying the release date news for Old Skies can be found below.

Hanna Tanaka Profile

The game should be sold as a Nintendo eShop download, but pricing hasn’t been shared. Find more Nintendo Switch news here.

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