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Palworld dev says it hasn’t received any complaints from Nintendo or Pokemon Company, Switch version would be “hard”

Posted on June 25, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Palworld Switch

Takuro Mizobe, the head of Palworld developer Pocketpair, recently said that the studio hasn’t received any complains from Nintendo or The Pokemon Company, and also commented briefly on a potential Switch version.

Since its reveal, Palworld has drawn plenty of comparisons to Pokemon for its creature designs. While not specifically mentioning the game specifically, The Pokemon Company issued a statement (read it in full here) a few months ago stating that it would “investigate and take appropriate measures to address any acts that infringe on intellectual property rights”. At least for now, it seems nothing came of that.

Mizobe recently told Game File in an interview.

“Nothing at all. Nintendo and the Pokemon Company didn’t say anything to us. Of course I love Pokémon and respect it. I grew up with it, in my generation.”

In other news, Mizobe addressed the possibility of bringing Palworld to Switch. The game is currently only on Xbox for consoles, but Pocketpair is interested in putting the game on other systems. However, Switch might be a bit of a longshot.

Mizobe said that “maybe it’s hard to port to Switch just for technical reasons”. This doesn’t totally rule out a port, but Pocketpair may also want to wait until the platform’s successor – assuming Nintendo would approve the game’s release there.

Would you be interested in seeing Palworld on Switch or its successor? Let us know in the comments below.

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