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Peter Moore issues a challenge to President Obama

Posted on June 21, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

Earlier this week, President Obama delivered a speech to the American Medical Association. His speech mainly focused on health care, but there was a short remark about video games. The President, while speaking about “taking more responsibility for our health and the health of our children” said that kids should “step away from the video games and spend more time playing outside.” So how does Peter Moore fit into all of this? Mr. Moore, in a recent blog update, poked a bit of fun at President Obama and issued a challenged of sorts regarding an EA product – EA Sports Active.

“As a father of three and someone who spends many a morning or lunch hour out on a run and/or in the gym, I applaud the President urging Americans to get off the couch and get active. Of course, I can’t resist pointing out that while I’ve always wholeheartedly endorsed moderation in anything you do, including playing games, it may be time for the President and his family to put their Wii to good use and fire up the 30-Day Challenge with EA SPORTS Active. This is a ‘game’ even the President may not want to “step away” from…In fact, I know he’s in pretty good shape, but I guarantee the President wouldn’t look quite so smooth walking across the White House lawn to Marine One the morning after his first session with EA SPORTS Active (especially if he does those pesky lunges)!…Mr. President, here is my challenge to you: Try EA SPORTS Active and I guarantee you’ll need aides saying ‘Yes You Can!’ to finish your first workout.”

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