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Pokemon Duel patch coming tomorrow, adding Mega Evolutions and more

Posted on August 7, 2017 by (@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News

The previously announced update that adds Mega Evolutions to Pokemon Duel is dropping tomorrow. Other than that, further changes include an increase of the maximum value limit for plate costs in battle from 6 to 8 and the ability to join a team for Team Matches. Finally, some figures are getting balance changes:


Shadow Claw: power increased to 130 (up from 110)

Slash replaced by Hex and Will-o-Wisp


Extreme Speed: power increased to 140 (up from 120)


Mist Ball: power increased to 130 (up from 110)

Dragon Breath: power increased to 100 (up from 70)


Luster Purge: power increased to 140 (up from 120)

Dragon Breath: power increased to 100 (up from 70)


Revenge: power increased to 70 (up from 4o)


Tail Slap replaced by Freezing Tail

Dragon Rage and Push Aside: wheel size increased

Miss: wheel size decreased


Sweet Kiss: wheel size increased

Miss: wheel size decreased


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