7 Star Meowscarada guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
The 7 Star Meowscarada Tera Raid Battle Event for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is live now, and we have a guide for potential checks and counters. It continues from now until March 6, after which the Skeledirge Tera Raid Battle event will become active instead. This Meowscarada is Tera Grass, so you’ll need to bring Pokemon who resist or are immune to its powerful Flower Trick attack. If you’re looking to topple this powerful opponent, have a look at our tips and strategies down below.
7 Star Meowscarada guide
As mentioned earlier, this Meowscarada is running Tera Grass, which leaves it weak to Fire, Flying, Poison, Ice, and Bug-type moves. At the start of the match, it uses Hone Claws to boost its Attack and accuracy. For its standard moves, it can use Play Rough, Acrobatics, Night Slash, and Flower Trick. It also uses Petal Blizzard and Grassy Terrain during the battle.
7 Star Meowscarada can’t touch Archaludon at all. A Tera Stellar Archaludon with Reflect (plus a Light Clay item), Breaking Swipe, Dragon Cheer, and Body Press is an excellent support Pokemon. Make sure Archaludon has max HP and Defense EVs plus the Ability Stamina. You’ll probably need a second player, who can use a Blaze breed Paldean Tauros. Give it an Adamant nature, max EVs in Attack and Defense, a Fire Tera type, and the moves Raging Bull, Will-O-Wisp, Flame Charge, and Sunny Day. At the beginning of the match, set up Reflect with Archaludon and then spam Breaking Swipe. With Tauros, you want to use either Sunny Day or Will-O-Wisp on turn one and then spam Raging Bull. With the Ability Anger Point, Tauros will max its Attack if Meowscarada uses Flower Trick. Even if it doesn’t, it’s still very strong. This is also the first time you can get Meowscarada in a Poke Ball other than a standard one, a Great Ball, or an Ultra Ball.
Were you able to defeat 7 Star Meowscarada with a different setup we didn’t include here? If so, feel free to share the counter you came up with in the comments down below. If you want to read up on more Pokemon Scarlet and Violet guides, we have a ton of them archived over at our master list.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available now for Switch. You can visit the official website here.