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Precursor CEO talks being laid off, and how that turned into ‘Shadow of the Eternals’

Posted on May 8, 2013 by (@NE_Austin) in General Gaming, News, Wii U

“As many people can relate, being laid off is an emotionally distressing experience. When this happened to me, I was determined to turn this toward more positive ends. I began reaching out to others to see if they were interested in starting something brand new, using lessons learned from past experiences.

Denis Dyack was my first choice for Creative, as he has a keen understanding on the creative aspects of game development. It saddens me to read that people’s impressions of him are painted by anonymous accounts of other individuals. I’ve known Denis for 10 years now, and from first hand experience I consider him to be one of the most honourable people I know, and undeserving of the amount of negative accusations he receives.”

“I knew Shawn Jackson’s attention to detail, enthusiasm and experience would really balance our management team as Chief Operating Officer. The rest of the Precursor team is equally talented, and I’m amazed by the results we’ve achieved with our demo. Precursor Games has been built from the ground up to do something new, and we are excited to show and work with you on our first project—‘Shadows of the Eternals’.”

– Precursor Games CEO Paul Caporicci

It sounds like they’re definitely passionate about this project, but I’m still concerned that the likes of Dyack and Caporicci have gotten themselves into a bit of an Epic Mickey, trying to create something behind which there is far too much creative passion and not enough technical understanding. That being said, the company has said that they’re in regular contact with Nintendo about the project, and if anyone has a technical understanding of game design, it’s the Big N!

Via Siliconera

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