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Ranked: Japanese employee compensation averages

Posted on June 28, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Salaries tracker Nensyu Labo has ranked the Japanese employee compensation averages of various companies. Square Enix tops the chart with an average salary of 21,680,000 yen. Other companies with high positions include Nintendo (9,140,000 yen), Konami (6.78 million yen), and Capcom (5.71 million yen).

A partial ranking has been posted below.

1. Square-Enix: 21,680,000 yen
2. Sony: 9,230,000 yen
3. Nintendo: 9,140,000 yen
5. Konami: 6.78 million
6. Namco Bandai Holdings: 6.40 million
7. Tecmo Koei Holdings: 6.15 million
9. Capcom: 5.71 million
11. Marvelous AQL: 5.56 million
14. Gung Ho Online Entertainment: 5.04 million
15. Falcom: 4.68 million
20: Nippon Ichi: 3.70 million
21: Tose: 3.50 million

It should be noted that these rankings and figures shouldn’t be considered final. They’re not concrete, official numbers. Keep in mind that Nensyu Labo compiled its data through public filings.

Source 1, Source 2

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