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Rare not developing any handheld games at the moment

Posted on February 4, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News

“The handheld team wasn’t “closed down” quite as you put it – you’ll be pleased to hear that we still have all the talent on-site (even if they’re not all in the same barn) and they’re all hard at work on new projects.- What I can confirm is that none of these projects are for handhelds, so it’d be true to say that at present, we’re currently not developing any handheld games. Might we return to that field in the future? Well, we’re certainly not ruling that out. However, to the best of my knowledge there’s nothing in the pipe at the moment.”

I really hope Rare picks up work on handhelds in the future. The company did some great work with Viva Pinata on the DS…It’d be a shame not to see any more projects for them on the portable.


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