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Red Steel 2 devs had bigger plans for Challenge Mode

Posted on May 12, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

“In any project like this there’s always tough decisions to make that mean leaving features or ideas behind. An example is the Challenge Mode. In the conception and the main development phases, this feature was much more robust. If we had been able to complete it, it would have allowed you to replay individual missions as desired, with new enemies and new challenges attached to each run. But near the end of the project, it became clear that our remaining technical hurdles meant that finishing this feature would have meant not finishing other key features… so the mode had to be scaled back.” – Jason Vandenberge

It sounds as though the original Challenge Mode could have added a great deal of replay value to Red Steel 2. Being able to take on new enemies and challenges would have been a big incentive to return to the game.


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