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Reggie on lack of larger internal memory, TiVO and DVR hardware not built in

Posted on September 13, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

The Wii U will come in 8 and 32GB memory models, but that size can be rather limiting. Fortunately, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has confirmed yet again that you can expand the amount of space that the system can use through an external hard drive.

“You can plug in a full-on three terabyte hard drive if you want. I’ll love you as a digital consumer. The reason we did it that way is that the cost of that type of storage memory is plummeting. What we didn’t want to do is tie a profit model to something that’s gonna rapidly decline over time. We’ll let the consumer buy as much as they want, as cheaply as they want.”

Reggie was able to confirm another element about Wii U: TiVO and DVR hardware aren’t built in. You’ll need existing hardware to take advantage of these functions for Nintendo TVii.


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