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Reggie: We’ll be watching Xenoblade Chronicles closely in Europe

Posted on August 10, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

There’s still a small glimmer of hope that Xenoblade Chronicles will be released in North America. Reggie Fils-Aime commented directly on the possibility of localization, explaining that they’ll be looking to see how the title performs in Europe.

Fils-Aime said:

“We will be watching very closely what happens in Europe. Certainly if there are business opportunities and positive consumer uptake from some of those titles, that will be great data for us to consider as we look at what to do with these titles.”

If you ask me, that’s kind of unfair. Reggie seems to hint that Xenoblade Chronicles could be brought over if the game sells well in Europe, but I don’t see why Nintendo of America should base any decision on that alone. There have quite a few titles that have sold better in the Americas in Europe. Heck, that response could just be a means to quiet the fans for now…

Why do I get the feeling that this doesn’t change anything and that we’ll never see the game in the states?


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