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Reptilian Rebellion hitting the North American Wii U eShop on Thursday

Posted on July 12, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

Another one of this week’s North American Wii U titles is confirmed. After making its way to Europe in May, Reptilian Rebellion is due out on the eShop this week in the states.

A listing on Nintendo’s website has the following overview:

“Wait, don’t you know what reptilians are? There are thousands of these green lizard-men living amongst us, human beings, but now they have become too dangerous and want to eat our brains.

Don’t let reptilians rule the world and send them to hell.


Choose between 10 cute characters with unique gameplay.
Kill counter, how many reptilians will you destroy?
Lot of different reptilians, vehicles and items.
Stop the New World Order!”

Reptilian Rebellion will cost $2.99.


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