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Resident Evil: Revelations’ single-player mode lasts ten hours, other details

Posted on November 17, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Although Resident Evil: Revelations will cost more than your average 3DS game, consumers will be getting plenty of bang for their buck. Speaking at a Nintendo investors meeting, producer Masachika Kawata said that fans can expect ten hours of content for the single-player mode.

Once they’ve cleared the main adventure, gamers can try out Raid Mode and team up with friends online. Characters such as Jessica and Obrian are exclusive to this mode.

Kawata also spoke about Revelations in general. He said that it features some of the better visuals on the 3DS because the team has used all of the 3DS’ hardware capabilities. Much of the staff from Resident Evil 5 has been working on this title, and Kawata stressed once again that Capcom is looking to match the level of completion of the mainline Resident Evil games.


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