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Retro “very busy”, probably “too busy” for a Zelda game

Posted on June 12, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Any hope that Retro could be working on a Zelda game must be discarded for now. Shigeru Miyamoto has ruled out the franchise as the studio’s next project, but he naturally wouldn’t say what the team is making.

Miyamoto recently said:

“Retro is very busy right now, but I’m afraid I can’t say exactly what it is that they’re very busy [working] on.”

Regarding the possibility of Retro working on Zelda in the future, Miyamoto is still open to the idea. The main issue is that the Zelda team in Japan would need to be in constant contact. Miyamoto also imagines that he would need to be a big part of the game’s development, even joking that he’d be forced to live in Austin throughout the creation process.

In any case, Miyamoto said that Retro is “too busy for that sort of thing right now.”

“In terms of them working on a Zelda, it’s not out of the question, certainly, for them to work on an entire Zelda game amongst themselves. Traditionally I think that the Zelda team has always had a close contact with anyone who’s working on a Zelda game. If you were going to have that happen in the US at Retro, that would be kind of difficult for them to be able to coordinate. Certainly they’re too busy for that sort of thing right now. It would probably require me to be involved to a great extent as well, so I would have to get over quite a bit too. I’d probably have to live in Texas… [laughs]”


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